White Smile That Looks Fab In Sutton Surrey


We cover Sutton by our home visit service – get a white smile in just 60 minutes!

A smile is the first thing that people notice when they meet someone and for this reason, people are always interested in getting the whitest possible teeth to make that perfect impression on others.

In recent years, there have been great advancements in London teeth whitening systems, and this is welcomed by all those who are interested in undergoing this treatment.

Why Sparkly whites?

Various economic and social advantages of getting whiter teeth have been widely reported due to the ever-growing number of people getting the benefits of the latest laser teeth whitening machines.

Something to consider prior to having laser teeth whitening treatment is to have a scale and polish to remove any particles and some stains, which can be reduced by traditional cleaning techniques.

Results at the end of the process

You can get best possible results from laser teeth whitening system this way because with your clean teeth it will be possible for the teeth whitening gel to remain on your stained teeth thereby showing good overall results due to this teeth-whitening procedure.

It is also necessary for the teeth whitening consultant to see the extent of discolouration suffered by your teeth as this will help them decide on the extent of treatment your teeth will need for achieving much whiter teeth, as sometimes a combined teeth whitening approach is recommended.

A shade scale is used for comparing the colour of your smile normally taken prior to the treatment starting and then post-treatment to assess how many shades lighter your teeth have whitened. teeth whitening for smokers

The consultant will also decide whether it is necessary to undergo just one procedure or series of treatments are necessary to get the desired results.

Before starting any treatment, a retractor is inserted into the mouth to open up access to the teeth by separating your lips and cheeks away from your teeth.

Your gums & soft tissue are protected (gingival dam) and isolated, allowing on your teeth only to be exposed.

Are there any short or long term dangers associated with teeth whitening Sutton?

For professional teeth whitening, no, there are no dangers.

There is no evidence of risk associated with the use of whitening systems under the direction of a professional.

The concentration of oxidizing agents used in professional teeth whitening in Sutton and all of our other locations have proven to be very safe.

See Our teeth whitening after care

While the agents we use are gentle on the sensitive tissues of the mouth, they are powerful enough to be exceedingly effective at providing clients with bright and beautiful smiles.

Couple this with the fact that a trained professional is overseeing the process and you can rest comfortably in the knowledge that there is no real short or long term risk associated with the teeth whitening process.

Contact us today to find out more!